Digital transformation is our place of purgatory today.

We are caught in a moment of time. All the hype, push, the argument for making the “digital transformation” is so badly stalled in many of our Corporations. We are running a marathon, mostly it seems fueled by “spent” energy and a growing sense of lowering our belief and confidence that we can finish this.

These digital transformations are like the deer, suddenly caught in the headlamp of a car that simply freezes, they seem immobilized, even for brief seconds, sometimes its reaction to flee is too late, it gets caught out by the oncoming car.

I feel many of our entities are caught in this moment of fear, bewilderment, rather paralyzed in how to tackle digital transformation. It is overwhelming. The advice available often does not help, it compounds that fear, they seem to be just staring at the size of the problem. Continue reading

Entering the Fray Differently in Industrial IoT Platform Solutions

We have ABB forming a JV with Dassault Systems. We have Rockwell firstly linking up with PTC and now a Rockwell and Schlumberger tie up. They will significantly make a difference in the complexity of those offering  Industrial IoT platform solutions.

What do these strategic moves mean to the IIoT market and to potential clients?

In some way, they indicate levels of consolidation, the realism of how to compete, and catch up with the bigger IIoT Platform investors today, that have been pushing and pioneering the IIoT market.

The two, GE with its Predix IIoT platform and Siemens and its Mindsphere one, are equally facing a certain crossroad in future decisions. I’ll outline later in this article or have raised questions previously in past posts. The impact of these competitors joining the fray is certainly announcing this market is getting highly competitive.

What will be future decisions for others offering more niche platform solutions as well, such as Bosch and Schneider Electric? More is yet to come but when you begin to see multiple announcements in acquisitions, partnerships, and JV’s, then you know the market is entering its next phase of growth – that crossing the chasm, one that is entering a very competitive positioning to grab market share and client wins. Investment decisions are perhaps about to get even bigger or solution sets more “imaginative” to attract clients into making their commitments.

Firstly, a short snapshot of the recent Partnership announcements Continue reading

The Ability to Scale and Collaborate in Platform Thinking.


Credit Tatiana Plakhova @

For no specific reason, I went a little quiet on my posts on this site recently. There was not one reason, it felt that February just slipped by.

Actually, I can partly explain it as it was partly caught up in a project that took more time than I expected.

Also partly caught up in a lot of mixed feelings that held me back, so I got a little blocked in my thinking. You do have moments like that but you eventually work through them and “something” unblocks and things start to flow again.

Suddenly in the first few days of March, like Spring arriving, it was a very different burst of energy, well actually more insights, that have kicked off my month well. Continue reading